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By Fleur Sykes

Updated: February 8th, 2023

Reviewed by: Janna Bastow

Fact checked by: Megan Saker

What is a product?

In the most simplistic definition, a product is a physical or digital item or service that has been created to solve a particular user need. In actuality, it’s more complex than that and is actually the name for something that calls for a vision, strategy, objectives, and outcomes for a team to work on. the blanket term product could relate to software, physical products, or the team that operates as a product in order to keep strategy in place.

For a product to be great it needs these key things:

1. A clear vision: A product needs to have a clear vision of what it is trying to achieve and how it will be successful. This should be communicated clearly to the team so that everyone is working towards the same goal.

2. A dedicated team: A great product requires a dedicated team of people who are passionate about the project and understand its goals and objectives. The team should be able to work together and collaborate to create the best product possible.

3. A solid strategy: A great product requires a solid strategy that outlines how the product will be developed, marketed, and supported.

What makes a great product?

What makes a product great is the combination of a clear vision, a dedicated team, and a solid strategy. A clear vision allows the team to understand what they are working towards and how it will be successful. A dedicated team ensures that everyone is passionate about the project and understands its goals and objectives. Finally, a solid strategy outlines how the product will be developed, marketed, and supported. All of these elements are essential for creating a successful product.

There are many factors that can contribute to the success of a product. Here are a few:

  1. Quality: A great product is well-made and reliable. It performs the tasks it was designed to do effectively and efficiently.
  2. Value: A great product offers good value for the price. It provides benefits and features that justify the cost to the consumer.
  3. Innovation: A great product is unique and solves a problem or fulfills a need in a new or innovative way.
  4. Customer satisfaction: A great product consistently meets or exceeds the expectations of its users. It delivers a positive and satisfying experience.
  5. Marketing and branding: A great product is effectively marketed and has a strong brand that resonates with its target audience.
  6. Sustainability: A great product is environmentally and socially responsible, taking into account the long-term impact of its production and use.

Types of Products:

Products can come in many different forms, from physical products such as cars and furniture to digital products such as software and apps. Products can also be services, such as consulting or web design. No matter the form, all products should have a clear purpose and provide value to the customer. 

  1. Physical products 
  2. Virtual products
  3. Hybrid products
  4. SaaS products

 1. Physical products

A physical product is a tangible item that can be seen, touched, and used. Examples of physical products include cars, furniture, toys, clothing, and electronics. Physical products are usually manufactured in factories or workshops and require raw materials to create them.

2. Virtual products

A virtual product is an intangible item that exists only in the digital world. Examples of virtual products include software, apps, digital music, and online courses. Virtual products are usually created using computer programming and require no physical materials to create them.

3. Hybrid products

A hybrid product is a combination of both physical and virtual elements. Examples of hybrid products include subscription boxes, streaming services, wearables, and video games. Hybrid products often require both physical components (such as packaging or hardware) and digital components ( such as software or content). Hybrid products offer customers convenience, increased functionality, and a more personalized experience.

 4. SaaS products

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a type of cloud-based product that allows users to access applications and services over the internet. SaaS products are typically subscription-based, meaning customers pay a recurring fee to use the product. Examples of SaaS products include customer relationship management (CRM) software, project management tools, and online storage solutions.

Thinking about product management frameworks

What are product management frameworks?

Product management frameworks are tools used to help product managers plan, develop, and launch products. These frameworks provide a structured approach to product development by outlining the steps necessary for successful product launches. Common product management frameworks include the Lean Startup Methodology, Agile Methodology, and Design Thinking. Each framework has its own set of principles and processes that can be tailored to fit the needs of any organization or product. 

How to manage a product?

Managing a product requires a comprehensive understanding of the product’s market, customers, and competitors. Product managers must develop strategies to ensure the product meets customer needs and stands out from competitors. This includes researching customer needs, developing pricing models, creating marketing plans, and setting goals for the product. Additionally, product managers should monitor customer feedback and use analytics to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

How to choose a product management tool for your product?

When choosing a product management tool for your product, it is important to consider the features and capabilities of the tool. Some key features to look for include roadmap management, idea management, customer feedback collection, OKR tracking, and workflow management. Additionally, you should consider the cost of the tool and how well it integrates with other tools or systems you may be using. Finally, make sure that the tool is user-friendly and can be easily adopted by your team. Once you have identified a tool that meets your needs, it is important to test the tool before making a final decision. This will help ensure that the tool is the right fit for your product and team.

Looking for a tool to help you do lean product management? Why not give ProdPad a try with a free trial here?

How to launch a product

Launching a product requires careful planning and execution. Product managers should create a launch plan that outlines the steps needed to successfully introduce the product to the market. This includes setting a timeline, developing marketing materials, creating promotional campaigns, and ensuring customer support is in place. Additionally, product managers should monitor customer feedback and use analytics to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

For more information on launching a product, why not check out our blog on how to launch on Product Hunt?

What are the lifecycle phases of a product?

The lifecycle phases of a product include development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. During the development phase, product managers research customer needs and develop the product concept. The introduction phase involves launching the product to the market and building awareness. During the growth phase, demand for the product increases as customers become more familiar with it. In the maturity phase, demand levels off as competitors enter the market. Finally, the decline phase occurs when demand for the product decreases and sales begin to drop.

If you’re looking to manage your product within ProdPad you can see more how-to content in our help center.