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Continuous Delivery

By Dan Collins

Updated: May 1st, 2024

Reviewed by: Kirsty Kearney Greig

Fact checked by: Megan Saker

What is continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery is a software development practice aimed at building, testing, and releasing reliable software faster and more often.

The idea is to ensure that what you are working on can be deployed at any time, with the press of a button, making releases predictable, routine affairs that can be performed on demand without additional work or stress​.

Continuous delivery revolves around integrating automated tests, configuration management, and deployment processes into your development efforts. Automating these key stages helps to minimize the risks associated with manual processes and can enhance the predictability of your release cycles.

The Continuous Delivery Process

This automation extends through all phases of development, from the initial code commit through to production, ensuring that any version of the software is always in a deployable state​​. In today’s fast-paced software industry, delivering enhancements and new features rapidly can give you a significant competitive edge.

Continuous delivery is intrinsically linked with DevOps, a set of practices combining software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), with the aim of shortening the development lifecycle and providing continuous high software quality. 

What are the key components of continuous delivery?

  • Automated testing: The heart of continuous delivery. This involves running automated tests on every change to the codebase to ensure that it is always in a releasable state. 
  • Build automation: This ensures that the software can be compiled, built, and packaged automatically, eliminating the need for manual processes.
  • Configuration management: Helps manage the environment settings consistently across all stages of deployment, enabling you to quickly and reliably move applications from development through to production.
  • Deployment automation: Pushes changes to production automatically, reducing the need for manual oversight in the release process, decreasing the deployment overhead, and minimizing the chances of errors.
  • Monitoring and feedback: Continuous monitoring of the operation of the software in production is essential to detect and respond to problems quickly. 
  • Collaboration: Continuous delivery requires a shift towards a more collaborative and transparent workplace culture. Development, operations, and QA teams need to work closely together to make it work. 

Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery

Continuous integration focuses on the integration part of development, where developers are encouraged to merge their changes back to the main branch as often as possible.

In continuous integration, every change made to the software is built and tested automatically, which helps catch integration errors early and improves software quality.

The goal of continuous integration is to provide rapid feedback to developers about the state of their code after each commit​. Continuous delivery extends continuous integration by ensuring that after integration, the software can be released to production at any time with the push of a button.

Continuous delivery automates the release process up to the production stage, including deployment and testing in a production-like environment. This ensures that the software is always in a deployable state, even though the actual deployment to production may require manual approval.

Continuous deployment vs. continuous delivery

While continuous delivery prepares a release candidate that’s ready to go live at any moment, continuous deployment takes this a step further by automating the release process entirely.

The key difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment is the level of automation – continuous delivery automates up to the point of production readiness but often requires someone to intervene to actually deploy anything to production. Continuous deployment automates the deployment process entirely.

Continuous deployment emphasizes speed and efficiency, pushing updates to users as quickly as possible. Continuous delivery, on the other hand, balances speed with control, giving you the ability to decide when and how updates are released to production​.

Why is continuous delivery important in Product Management?

For Product Managers, continuous delivery offers a strategic advantage by enabling quicker iteration and responsiveness to customer feedback. This frequent feedback loop helps you refine your product continuously, aligning more closely with user needs and market changes.

Continuous delivery can be particularly interesting thanks to the profound impact it can have on the product development cycle and its alignment with business objectives.

The ability to release improvements, fixes, and new solutions to your users’ problems at a moment’s notice gives you a powerful way to adapt your product quickly, working in a truly lean way – quickly testing and learning in order to iterate and improve.  The benefits of continuous delivery include:

Quicker time-to-market

One of the main draws of continuous delivery is how it accelerates the time to market for new features and fixes. It circumvents the delays inherent in traditional development cycles, where products might undergo lengthy integration and testing phases before a release.

Enhanced product quality

Continuous delivery requires rigorous automated testing and quality checks at every step of the development process, from initial coding to final deployment. This continuous oversight helps you catch and correct errors early, which will enhance the overall quality of your product.

Integrating quality assurance testing throughout the development lifecycle helps ensure that each release is as bug-free as possible, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing the costs associated with post-release fixes​.

Easier to iterate quickly

The frequent feedback loops enabled by continuous delivery allow product teams to test ideas and iterate on them quickly. Being able to iterate at the drop of a hat is great for adapting to changing user requirements and for boosting innovation.

Regularly updating your product and observing how those changes perform in the wild will help you to make better-informed decisions about what to enhance or what to pivot away from, based on actual user data and feedback​​.

Reducing risk

Traditional big-bang releases often come with a high level of uncertainty and stress. A large amount of change is introduced all at once, increasing the likelihood of unforeseen issues.

Continuous delivery’s incremental release strategy means that changes you make are smaller and more manageable, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and roll back if something goes wrong.

This can make for a more stable product, and can even help with team morale by avoiding the pressure and complications of crunch time before a major release​.

Supporting business alignment

Continuous delivery can also foster better alignment between development activities and business objectives. Knowing that the lead time for delivery is minimized can help you plan and prioritize features more effectively based on business needs, ensuring that your product keeps evolving in a direction that maximizes business value​.

How to implement continuous delivery

Successfully implementing continuous delivery takes a combination of technical setup, process adjustments, and cultural shifts. It involves several key steps to ensure successful adoption.

Here’s a structured approach to implementing continuous delivery:

Step 1: Assess your current capabilities

Before initiating continuous delivery, assess the current state of your software development and deployment processes. Understand the tools, technologies, and practices currently in use, and identify potential gaps or areas for improvement. This assessment will help in setting realistic goals for implementation​​.

Step 2: Build the foundation with continuous integration

Continuous delivery builds upon the practice of continuous integration. Ensure that your team is proficient in continuous integration practices, which involve merging all developers’ working copies to a shared mainline several times a day and having automated builds and tests to catch integration issues early​.

Step 3: Automate the build and test processes

Automation is the backbone of continuous delivery. Start by automating your build processes so that every code commit triggers an automated build.

Similarly, automate your testing processes to include unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests that are run automatically every time changes are made. This ensures that any version of the software can be deployed at any time​.

Step 4: Configure automated deployments

Once your build and test processes are automated, set up automated deployments. This involves configuring the tools and scripts necessary to deploy the software to different environments automatically.

Choose tools that support configuration management and deployment orchestration to streamline this process​.

Step 5: Manage environments and configuration

Managing the environments (development, testing, staging, production) consistently is crucial for continuous delivery. Use infrastructure as code (IaC) to automate the provisioning and management of your infrastructure.

This ensures that your environments are reproducible and that configurations are consistent across all stages of deployment​.

Step 6: Implement continuous monitoring

Deploying frequently means you need robust monitoring to catch any issues early. Implement continuous monitoring tools to track the application’s performance and health across all environments.

Monitoring will provide the feedback necessary to improve both the application and the deployment processes continuously​​.

Step 7: Cultivate a collaborative culture

Continuous delivery requires close collaboration between a wide range of involved departments. Foster a culture that encourages open communication, knowledge sharing, and collective responsibility for the project’s success.​

Step 8: Iterate and improve

As the name implies, continuous delivery is not a set-and-forget system – it requires continuous evaluation and improvement. Regularly review the outcomes of your deployments to learn what works and what doesn’t. Use this information to refine and improve your processes over time​.

What are the roles and responsibilities in continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery is a collaborative effort that relies on various roles within the software development lifecycle. While it depends on the maturity of your product and the size of your team, by breaking down the specific ownerships of each role you can ensure the smooth execution and management of continuous delivery

The following roles are responsible for continuous delivery:

Product Managers

Product Managers prioritize features and improvements on the product roadmap based on business goals and user feedback. They integrate these priorities into the continuous delivery pipeline.

PMs act as the liaison between various stakeholders and the development team. They ensure product development aligns with customer needs and business objectives.


Developers take the lead in writing clean, well-tested code that integrates seamlessly into the existing codebase. They actively commit their changes to a shared repository to enable continuous integration.

To facilitate continuous integration, developers ensure their changes are compatible with the main branch by frequently committing code.

Quality Assurance (QA)

QA professionals are responsible for developing and maintaining automated test suites. These suites are essential for assessing your product’s health throughout the development cycle.

QA provides critical feedback on issues detected during testing. This ensures defects are addressed promptly before deployment.


Operations oversee automating the deployment process. They ensure a smooth transition from a committed code change to a live production environment.

Operations also manages the infrastructure that supports continuous delivery, including servers, networks, and associated hardware or cloud resources.


Security professionals integrate security practices into the continuous delivery pipeline. They conduct regular security assessments and audits to ensure compliance with relevant standards.

The security team identifies and mitigates potential security threats early in the development process. This ensures security is a consideration throughout the entire product lifecycle.

DevOps Engineers

DevOps engineers maintain and improve the continuous delivery pipeline. They incorporate practices that support both operational and development needs.

They integrate various tools for development, testing, and deployment into the pipeline. This ensures all tools work seamlessly to support continuous delivery.

By working together, each role contributes specific skills and expertise to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery, fostering an agile, secure, and business-aligned development process

What are the common challenges of continuous delivery?

Implementing continuous delivery can bring a range of benefits, but it’s not without its hurdles.

Here’s a breakdown of some common challenges you might face, along with practical solutions to ensure you truly benefit from implementing continuous delivery in your organization:

Challenge: Siloed teams

In many organizations, the development, operations, and QA teams often operate in silos, which can significantly disrupt the continuous flow of updates that continuous delivery depends on.

Solution: Break down the silos. Encourage regular communication between teams. Plan together, set shared goals, and embrace a “we’re in this together” mentality. DevOps practices are particularly helpful, merging development and operations for a unified approach.

Challenge: Cultural resistance

Moving to continuous delivery from a traditional setup requires a significant cultural shift, which can sometimes meet resistance. The transition from infrequent, gated releases to frequent updates requires a change in mindset and processes that can be daunting.

Solution: Leadership plays a key role here. Promote the benefits of continuous delivery through educational programs and workshops. Celebrate early wins to build confidence and demonstrate the value of continuous delivery to everyone involved.

Challenge: Integration and Deployment Complexity

Frequent updates, especially in large environments with legacy systems, can get intricate.  These systems might lack the flexibility or tools to handle rapid changes.

Solution: Automate the build, testing, and deployment processes. Invest in tools that support automation and integration. For legacy systems, a gradual approach can help. Consider encapsulating them into microservices, making updates smoother.

Challenge: Infrastructure and configuration management

Managing and configuring the infrastructure to support continuous delivery can be challenging, particularly when scaling operations. Each change has the potential to impact different parts of the system, requiring robust and flexible infrastructure management.

Solution: Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate the provisioning and management of your infrastructure. Tools can facilitate this automation, providing a scalable and reliable infrastructure that adapts to the needs of continuous delivery.

Challenge: Security and compliance concerns

The frequent release cycle of continuous delivery increases the potential for security vulnerabilities and compliance issues, something that’s particularly critical in highly regulated industries.

Solution: Integrate security and compliance checks into your automated pipelines to ensure each release adheres to the necessary standards. Employ automated security testing tools and involve security teams early in the development process to proactively identify and mitigate risks.

Which businesses suit continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery can be ideal for a variety of software development businesses, all of which can benefit from its ability to streamline and automate the release process.

Businesses in the following situations may suit continuous delivery:

  • Frequent release cycles: Ideal for businesses like consumer tech or online services that need to push updates regularly. Continuous delivery facilitates quick iterations, allowing for ongoing product improvements and swift responses to user feedback or market changes.
  • Complex enterprise systems: Large enterprises with intricate systems across different departments can benefit from continuous delivery’s ability to manage and deploy updates with minimal disruption, maintaining stability while innovating or updating legacy systems.
  • Startups and scale-ups: These companies often need to quickly adapt to changing market demands. Continuous delivery supports a culture of experimentation and rapid feedback, enabling them to iterate on product features effectively based on real user data.
  • SaaS providers: For companies that need to ensure high availability and frequent updates, continuous delivery can be a game-changer. It supports seamless updates without downtime and enables features like A/B testing and canary releases, allowing for the cautious rollout of new features.
  • Regulated industries: Businesses in sectors with tighter regulations like finance or healthcare can benefit from continuous delivery’s automation and monitoring capabilities, which help maintain compliance with strict industry standards and reduce the risk of human error.
  • E-commerce platforms: E-commerce businesses benefit from continuous delivery, especially during high-traffic periods like sales or holiday seasons, as it ensures that their platforms are responsive and up-to-date with the latest features and fixes.

By adopting continuous delivery, businesses across these sectors can enhance their operational efficiency, improve product quality, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Continuous delivery and ProdPad

Implementing continuous delivery with ProdPad can transform your product development into a more efficient and responsive operation. Here’s how ProdPad can help:

Seamless tool integration: ProdPad excels in integrating with various development tools like Jira, Trello, and Slack. This integration ensures that everyone, from developers to operations, stays in sync throughout the development process. It links your product management directly with the development pipeline, smoothing the transition from planning to deployment.

Efficient automation: ProdPad’s automation capabilities can significantly reduce the manual effort in managing your product roadmaps and user feedback. You can trigger actions based on specific criteria, such as updating roadmaps automatically or moving ideas into development once they meet defined approval criteria.

Encouraging continuous improvement: Continuous improvement is at the heart of continuous delivery, and ProdPad fosters this through the easy collection and review of user feedback. This helps you continually refine your product and ensures that each release brings genuine improvements based on user interactions and feedback.

Boosting communication: Effective communication is crucial, and ProdPad helps with this by linking discussions directly to tasks or product features. This speeds up issue resolution and enhances decision-making by keeping a decision log and comms record for each specific update or change. It’s especially useful in environments where quick updates and iterative changes are common.

Supporting Agile management: ProdPad supports Agile practices which are essential for continuous delivery. It helps you keep flexible roadmaps, prioritize features quickly based on the latest insights, and adjust swiftly to market and customer feedback.

ProdPad can help ensure your development processes are both faster and more aligned with your business goals and user expectations, keeping your products competitive and relevant in the market.

Book a call with one of our Product Management experts to learn more