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Download your ready-made
Product Feedback & Idea Submission Guidelines

Download and share our ready-made guidelines and have your Customer Teams share their insights in the right way.

Get more insights from across your organization!

Sometimes getting colleagues to submit their Ideas or customer insights is like pulling teeth. So how do you encourage them all to engage with Product, get enthusiastic about that involvement and feed you the juicy insights you need to fuel your product thinking? 

Download and share our ready-made guidelines and ensure everyone knows what should be Feedback, what is a Product Idea for the backlog and exactly how to submit both for your attention and consideration. 

The ready-made submission guidelines include:

  • Clear definitions and examples of product feedback
  • Clear definitions and examples of product ideas
  • What’s in it for them – all the reasons they should take the time to submit their insight
  • A full explanation of what happens with their submissions (so they know it makes a difference)
  • Where to find the updates and information they need
Janna Bastow

About the author

Janna Bastow is co-founder and CEO of ProdPad, software that helps product managers plan and deliver better products. Janna has organized ProductTank events worldwide and is a founder of Mind The Product, a global community of product managers. She likes to inspire great product conversations by asking: “What problem are you trying to solve?”