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Similarity match to help you manage ideas

Avatar of Janna Bastow
Janna Bastow
2 minute read

You’ve got ideas coming in from every direction, from everyone on your team.

At some point in time, you’re certainly going to hear a few that sound just like one of the others. These duplicates can be hard to track down and capture in the same place, especially when you’re crunched for time and can only manage to jot the request down somewhere so you can handle it later.

Ideas Matching as you Type

Similar ideas matching on Dashboard
Similar ideas matching when you enter a new idea

Our product management software can help prevent and manage duplicate requests, as you type them in. As you start typing in a new idea, we automatically recommend similar ideas. From there, you can choose to continue entering your idea, or perhaps use one of the similar ideas to simply add your comments to.

Similar Ideas on the Ideas Canvas

On each idea canvas page, you’ll now find a list of similar ideas to the idea that you’ve entered so far.

This will help you explore similar themes around requests and suggestions to improve your product, as well as help you find old ideas you might want to merge into one.

Similar ideas in the Ideas Canvas
Similar ideas in the Ideas Canvas

We’ve released this similarity match for your product today as Beta – it’s based on ‘fuzzy’ matching from elasticsearch (the same thing that powers our search!), and we’re conscious that it will take some tweaking and prodding to make sure it’s providing the best results.

Head to your dashboard today and try adding a new idea, or head straight to one of your existing ideas and see what appears as a similar match. We’d love to get your feedback – get in touch at

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