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Product Release vs. Product Launch – What’s the Difference?

May 9, 2024

12 minute read

Let’s face it, after countless nights fueled by caffeine and sheer willpower, the moment you hit that big red button to unleash your product on the world is everything. Excitement explodes, butterflies take flight, and you might even indulge in a celebratory high-five or two if you’re feeling extra spicy.

But before you get swept away in the launch-day frenzy, there’s all the prep that got you there. I’m referring, of course, to two of the more critical phases every product goes through: the product release and the product launch. These terms get thrown around like confetti, but trust me, they’re not the same thing.

Thinking about product release vs product launch

So let’s peel back the curtain and take a closer look at how it all works. We’ll break down:

  • What is a product release?
  • What is a product launch?
  • How they interact
  • Who’s responsible for each
  • When it’s a good idea to re-launch your product
  • How ProdPad can help with releases and launches
  • What’s coming next for both

What is a product release?

Think of a product release as the moment your creation emerges from the developer’s cave, ready to meet users (or at least a select few of them) for the first time. This phase is all about the technical nitty-gritty – you’ve got to make sure everything works as intended, is stable, and secure.

The release can be a big splash or a more controlled dip, like a beta version shared with a chosen group. This initial interaction helps you gather valuable user feedback, letting you fine-tune your product before a wider release. (Just to muddy the waters even more, a release to a smaller cohort is also sometimes called a “soft launch”.)

Essentially, a product release is one of the final development hurdles. It’s where you check if your product is working properly and is user-friendly. Often, this involves a limited rollout behind the scenes, using it internally (AKA “dogfooding” – something we do here at ProdPad), or feature flagging.

This measured approach helps you de-risk your product by gradually exposing it to users in a controlled environment, letting you catch any major bugs before they cause chaos.

What is a product launch?

In contrast with the more inward-focused product release, with your product launch, the spotlight shines outwards towards the market. This stage is all about marketing, PR, and promotions – creating a buzz and drumming up excitement for your masterpiece among potential customers.

Look at it as your grand opening. You’ll need to meticulously plan how to market your product, crafting messages highlighting its unique selling points and benefits.

You’ll want to generate awareness and drive adoption through every channel you can get your fingers on – social media, press releases, flashy events, targeted advertising campaigns, and anything else that might work.

Your product launch is a strategic move to reach a broad audience and position your product favorably against the competition. And here’s a secret for you – you can do it more than once! (More on that later.)

Product release vs product launch: How do they interact?

While a product release can sometimes happen on its own (think internal tools or niche market products), a launch without a prior release is often a recipe for disaster. A solid launch relies heavily on the product being ready and valuable, which you establish during the release phase.

Effectively coordinating between these two stages is what truly sets your product up for success. The feedback and data gleaned during the release phase are gold. They help us refine our marketing strategies and ensure our launch messages resonate with user experiences and expectations.

Understanding the distinction between these stages helps everyone manage their roles and responsibilities effectively. It’s a way to ensure both the market and the product itself are primed for what’s next.

Each phase supports the other, building a solid foundation for a successful market entry and long-lasting product growth.

Collaboration is king

The true magic of a successful product launch lies in seamless collaboration between Product and Development teams and Marketing teams. Clear and consistent communication is key – you need to keep the information flowing smoothly.

Dev teams need a clear understanding of the marketing plan to prioritize any final tweaks. Marketing, on the other hand, needs to know your product inside-out, its strengths, quirks, and even its limitations, so they can craft messages that are both exciting and honest.

Regular updates and shared tools keep everyone in the loop. Being transparent ensures a smoother handoff from the behind-the-scenes prep to the big public launch. Plus effectively highlighting your product’s true value across the board will propel it toward long-term success.

What are the roles and responsibilities in product releases vs product launches?

Getting your product to market will take a whole cast of characters, each playing vital roles to ensure everything from the back-end nuts and bolts to front-line user engagement is spot on.

Let’s dive into who does what for both product releases and product launches:

Who is responsible for product releases?

As befits a more technical process, product releases generally involve more inward-facing teams and roles, including:

  • Product Manager: You’re leading the charge, ensuring everything aligns with strategy and regulations. You’re the maestro of the release, keeping features on track and the product humming.
  • Development Team: These code wizards turn ideas into reality. They build, debug, and polish the product to meet all technical specs.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Team: The guardians of quality, the QA team relentlessly tests the product to eliminate bugs and guarantee a smooth user experience.
  • Operations Team: They prepare the stage for launch. They handle server capacity, data security, and ensure everything runs smoothly when it goes live.

Who is responsible for product launches?

Being inherently an externally-focused event, a product launch is usually in the hands of anyone who interacts with your customers, including:

  • Product Manager: You coordinate the overall launch strategy, ensuring it aligns with the broader product and business goals, as well as what your users need. You’re there to liaise between all the other teams involved to ensure a unified approach to the launch.
  • Marketing Team: Craft captivating narratives that resonate with the target audience. They create buzz-worthy campaigns to drive excitement and user engagement.
  • Sales Team: These product champions convert potential customers into loyal fans. Their interactions can provide you with valuable feedback for future improvements.
  • Customer Teams: The frontline heroes addressing user questions, troubleshooting issues, and keeping the engine ticking over. Their prompt service keeps customers happy.

Did you spot that PMs are on both lists? You’re Heimdall, controlling the rainbow bridge between these two worlds. You’ll need to take what you learn from the early release to refine the marketing message for launch, making sure everyone’s on the same page. 

By working together, this all-star team can take your product from a promising concept to a market success story. It’s a team effort, and with everyone playing their part, your product can become the next big thing.

If at first you don’t succeed…

Let’s face it, product launches aren’t always a one-and-done kind of deal. Sometimes, strategically bringing your product back to the spotlight through a relaunch or even a series of them can be a game-changer.

There’s a good chance that you didn’t reach everyone the first time around. Don’t assume that everyone is actually reading your press releases and tweets!

Why relaunch? Maybe your first launch wasn’t quite the touchdown you hoped for. There could have been a few glitches or features that needed tweaking (hey, it happens!). A relaunch is your chance to listen to what your customers are saying, fix those things, and show them you’re committed to making things right. 

The world keeps spinning, and new trends pop up all the time. Maybe your product can be used in ways you didn’t expect, or perhaps there’s a whole new group of people who could benefit from it. Relaunching allows you to tailor your message to these fresh faces, spreading the word and building a whole new fan base.

A relaunch is also your chance to show everyone that your product is keeping up with the times. Maybe you’ve added some cutting-edge features, or maybe you’ve just given it a sleek new look. Either way, you can use the relaunch to shout from the rooftops (well, social media) about how awesome and up-to-date your product is.

People appreciate authenticity. If you relaunch your product, be upfront about what’s changed and why you’re bringing it back. This honesty builds trust and makes people curious about what’s new and improved.

How can ProdPad help you with your product releases and product launches?

Ever felt like you’re spinning a thousand plates during a product release or product launch? Features need managing, user feedback screams for attention, Marketing needs to know what’s going on, Sales wants that shiny new thing yesterday… it’s enough to make your head spin.

That’s where ProdPad comes in. It’s not just Product Management software, it’s your secret weapon for a smooth product launch. It’s the launch pad under your rocket giving your product rocket a stable foundation, but it’s also the gantry guiding you safely up after the engines fire up.

Release phase: Feedback made easy

ProdPad keeps all of those spinning plates under control. You can prioritize features with ease, and the best part? Capturing and integrating customer feedback is a breeze. No more hunting for scraps of information – ProdPad puts it all right in front of you.

This lets you make data-driven decisions and build a product that solves real problems for people. It’s like having a direct line to your ideal customer, constantly feeding you tips on how to get better and better.

Launch phase: Seamless teamwork takes flight

The transition from release to launch can be a communication nightmare. ProdPad fixes that. It creates a shared space where both the Development and Marketing teams (and everyone else interested) can see the latest progress, updates, and changes – all in real-time.

This transparency is golden. Marketing can craft kickass campaigns that perfectly reflect your product’s awesomeness because they know exactly what they’re dealing with.

Roadmapping your way to the stars

ProdPad doesn’t just keep things organized, it helps you plan for launch glory. The intuitive roadmapping features let you visualize the entire product journey. This means you can align your launch strategy with your business goals, ensuring every move you and your teams make has a purpose and drives results.

Set clear targets, track progress, and adjust your strategy based on real-time data – ProdPad makes you feel like the guy in charge of every NASA control room in pretty much every movie ever made involving space (except for Apollo 13!).

By bringing everything together in one place, ProdPad doesn’t just improve teamwork, it supercharges it. Miscommunication will become a thing of the past, and both your release and launch phases will run like a well-oiled machine.

What’s on the horizon for product launches vs product releases?

The world of Product Management is a high-speed rollercoaster – always twisting and turning. New tech pops up faster than you can say “Alexa, play Darude – Sandstorm!” in your morning stand-up, and consumer habits shift like sandcastles in a hurricane. But fear not, for the future of releases and launches looks pretty cool! Here’s why:

The way AI development is heading, PMs are effectively going to have a psychic teammate. AI can already analyze mountains of user feedback in a flash, uncovering hidden trends and preferences (ProdPad’s Signals is great for this) – all of which feels a bit like we’re reading minds.

Think about it – soon we’ll be predicting what our users want before they even know it themselves. You’ll be able to build features they’ll love, solve problems before they are widely recognized, and craft marketing messages that hit the bullseye. Basically, AI is going to give us cheat codes to create products users will crave.

And who can forget all those pre-release and pre-launch time sinks? Testing, deployment, even marketing – they’re all getting automated (even we’re at it!). This’ll free you up to focus on the real fun stuff – brainstorming and executing killer product ideas and strategizing your way to market domination.

Finally, consumers care more and more about the impact the products they use have. Companies are taking notice! Sustainability and ethics should be woven into your product’s creation and launch, ensuring your products are good for people and the planet. It’s go green or go home time, and we’re already home folks!

Let’s all go out for launch

A release is like a spaceship blasting off – all systems go, ready to explore! A launch, on the other hand, is about grabbing everyone’s attention and making them scream “Holy crap, look at that massive spacecraft blasting off!” It’s about creating a buzz and getting people excited.

So stay informed, understand the difference between a product release vs a product launch, embrace change, and use ProdPad! Adapt to survive, focus on finding brilliant ways to solve your customers’ problems, and your launch will be more this and less this

Getting your product to market is a wild ride, but it can be incredibly rewarding to see your little product all grown up. Strap in, buckle up, and get ready to fire your product into the stratosphere!

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