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Dual Track Agile

By Dan Collins

Updated: April 25th, 2024

Reviewed by: Simon Cast

Fact checked by: Megan Saker

What is Dual Track Agile?

Dual Track Agile is an evolution of the Agile methodology that integrates the activities of product discovery and delivery into two synchronized tracks.

This method is designed to accelerate the development process and enhance product quality by ensuring each feature developed aligns perfectly with both user needs and business objectives.

At its core, Dual Track Agile is about rapid learning and swift adaptation, making it ideal for teams focused on innovation and eager to reduce the risk of creating features that don’t meet user expectations.

By running these tracks concurrently, Dual Track Agile promotes a constant flow of feedback, helping you to refine both your product and your development strategies continuously. 

The Dual Track Agile process

This regular communication between Discovery and Delivery not only boosts efficiency in software creation but also ensures the software deeply connects with users.

Embracing Dual Track Agile involves adopting a culture of continual improvement and quick response to feedback. It pushes you to develop your software smarter, ensuring that your product truly satisfies user needs and expectations.

How does Dual Track Agile relate to traditional Agile methodologies?

Dual Track Agile originated from the collaborative efforts of product management experts Jeff Patton and Marty Cagan. It was developed to enhance traditional Agile methodologies by integrating continuous feedback and validation into the development process.

Patton first introduced the concept in 2007, emphasizing the need to blend discovery (identifying user needs and testing assumptions) with delivery (developing and releasing validated features) to better address user demands and improve product outcomes.

Cagan later expanded on these ideas, advocating for a framework that not only speeds up the development process but also ensures that the products developed are both valuable and viable.

This integration of ongoing discovery alongside rather than separate from development helps to integrate user feedback and quickly validate your ideas.

This approach positions Dual Track Agile as an intelligent evolution of the Agile methodology. It enables your teams to work more efficiently and maintain a strong connection to user preferences.

In a competitive market, the ability to swiftly adapt and respond to user feedback is crucial, helping to make your products more relevant and successful.

How does Dual Track Agile work?

Dual Track Agile organizes the development process into two concurrent tracks: Discovery and Delivery.

Here’s the basics of how it works:

  • The Discovery track is all about brainstorming ideas, collecting user feedback, and formulating potential solutions. This is where the Product team digs deep to uncover exactly what users need, ensuring no effort is wasted on building the wrong features.
  • The Delivery track, on the other hand, is where these vetted ideas come to life as functional software. It’s the hands-on phase where concepts are constructed and polished into the final product.

Let’s take a closer look at how each of the tracks operates, and what sort of tasks fall under each:

How does the Discovery track in Dual Track Agile work?

In the Discovery track, the focus is on pinpointing user issues, pain points and problems, and performing experiments to validate your potential solutions.

This stage is where you lay the groundwork for your product – conducting user interviews, creating prototypes, and performing usability testing.

The goal here is to dive deep into your users’ needs, making sure that your upcoming development efforts are solving issues that will provide real value to your customers.

Discovery track tasks include:

  • User interviews: One of the most direct ways to learn what people want is through user interviews. You’ll be able to collect firsthand information about their experiences, their needs, and their frustrations.
  • Prototyping: Prototyping is an iterative process where you quickly turn your ideas into Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that you can test and evaluate. Your MVPs don’t need to be perfect or feature-complete, they just need to be good enough to validate your ideas and assumptions.
  • Usability testing: Once you’ve worked up a prototype, usability testing lets you observe real users as they interact with it. It can help you pick out issues you hadn’t thought of, and real use-cases that can point your development in new and unexpected directions.
  • Market research: Market research also plays a vital role. Understanding market trends, analyzing your competitors, and an awareness of the latest advancements in tech provides a broader context for the solutions you’re working on.
  • Feedback loops: Continuous feedback loops are also key. The feedback you gather isn’t just filed away; it’s analyzed and used to make informed decisions about the next steps in both the Discovery and Delivery tracks.

How does the Delivery track in Dual Track Agile work?

The Delivery track focuses on the actual creation and refinement of the product based on validated insights from the Discovery track.

It’s where these tested ideas are brought to life. This is the domain of coding and creating; where features are developed, tested, and readied for launch. This track is where your strategic plans and user-centric designs become real-world solutions.

Delivery track tasks include:

  1. Development: This is the core activity in the Delivery Track, where your Developers turn your prototypes and product specifications into working software. Development should be Agile, with regular iterations and updates based on ongoing feedback.
  2. Testing: Rigorous testing is a big part of the Delivery Track. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and system testing to ensure the software meets all technical requirements and is free from bugs. Testing often overlaps with development in agile environments to identify and resolve issues as quickly as possible.
  3. Quality Assurance (QA): Beyond testing for bugs, QA assesses the software from a user’s perspective to ensure it’s meeting the usability standards set out in the Discovery Track. QA aims to ensure that the software not only works but works well for the end-user.
  4. Continuous integration and deployment: These practices involve regularly merging code changes into a central repository, then automatically testing and deploying this code. This helps maintain the health of the software and speeds up the process of getting features to users.
  5. Feedback implementation: Even during the Delivery Track, feedback from beta testers or early users can lead to adjustments to ensure that your solutions truly align with user expectations and business goals.

Dual Track Agile thrives on active communication between the tracks. As you uncover new insights about user needs in Discovery, this information is quickly relayed to the Delivery team, helping you to adjust your efforts accordingly.

It’s a dynamic feedback loop that keeps development sharply focused on real user feedback, ensuring that what you learn and what you’re doing enhances each other effectively. It doesn’t just have the potential to speed up the development process, it can also significantly improve the relevance of the improvements you make.

By continually communicating back and forth between Discovery and Delivery, Dual Track Agile helps you avoid developing features that are technically fancy but miss the mark on user engagement and value.

It’s a way of providing a framework to ensure that you’re delivering solutions that are both useful and meaningful to your users.

How do you implement Dual Track Agile?

To Implement Dual Track Agile, you’ll need to put some thought into your team structure and workflows, as you aim to create a continuous cycle of feedback and improvement.

Here’s how you can start integrating the Dual Track Agile framework into your Product Management practices:

1. Build the right team structure

Dual Track Agile requires teams that are cross-functional and highly collaborative. To optimize both tracks, you’ll need to include a balanced mix of roles, each contributing unique skills and perspectives throughout the development process.

Discovery Track team members:

  • Product Managers lead the charge in understanding market needs and defining product goals. You play a crucial role in identifying user problems and aligning the product vision with user feedback.
  • UX Designers are vital in this early phase, focusing on user research, creating wireframes, and developing prototypes that address user needs identified during discovery.
  • Developers may also be involved, providing early technical assessments and feasibility studies, ensuring that your proposed solutions are technically viable. They also may help with developing your MVP.

Delivery Track team members:

  • Developers take center stage in this track, turning validated concepts from the Discovery track into functional software. They are responsible for coding, debugging, and executing the technical development of the product.
  • QA Engineers ensure that the software not only functions but also meets all quality standards. They test and re-test the product, catching bugs and ensuring that the new features perform as intended before release.
  • Product Managers and UX Designers continue to support the Delivery track by refining requirements and ensuring the final product aligns with user expectations based on the continuous feedback loop.

The teams should be empowered to make decisions and act on what they learn throughout the development process. By having all the necessary skills in one team, you can ensure that ideas flow freely and can be acted upon without delay.

2. Establish clear communication

Since this methodology thrives on the seamless flow of information between the Discovery and Delivery tracks, setting up effective communication channels is very important.

Use tools that everyone is comfortable with, whether it’s ProdPad for collaborating on ideas, Slack for instant messaging, Trello for task management, or regular stand-up meetings to ensure everyone is kept in the loop. Keeping the lines open ensures that every voice is heard and every learning is shared.

3. Prioritize continuous learning

The heart of the Discovery track is learning from your users, market data, and previous iterations. Encourage your teams to adopt a mindset of curiosity and continuous improvement.

Regularly scheduled feedback sessions, user testing events, and brainstorming workshops can be really useful. Consider these activities as your team’s way of gathering the pieces of a puzzle; the more pieces you have, the clearer the big picture becomes.

Make sure you have an always-on flow of user feedback by establishing a Customer Feedback Portal, like the one you get with ProdPad. This means you’ll have constant food for thought and stuff to learn from. 

4. Integrate feedback quickly

As you learn more, you should quickly and efficiently integrate what you’ve discovered into the development process. This might mean adjusting your priorities, shifting resources, or even going back to the drawing board for certain features.

Again, empower your teams to make decisions based on new information – this flexibility is key to staying relevant and responsive to user needs.

5. Measure and adjust

Like any Agile methodology, Dual Track Agile is not a set-it-and-forget-it system. It requires ongoing assessment and adaptation.

Implement metrics to measure the success of both tracks, such as user engagement levels, feature adoption rates, and overall product quality. Use these metrics to fine-tune processes, and don’t be afraid to iterate on your approach to Dual Track Agile itself.

6. Celebrate learning as much as delivery

Finally, try to cultivate an environment where learning and discovery is celebrated as much as shipping new features and enhancements. Give some love to team members who highlight crucial insights into user needs or who suggest pivot points that enhance the product’s market fit.

Celebrations and acknowledgments can be as simple as a shout-out in a team meeting or as elaborate as an awards system for innovations.

Implementing Dual Track Agile goes beyond simply picking up new routines; it’s really about nurturing a culture that treasures ongoing learning, embraces flexibility, and champions forward-thinking at every step.

This shift might feel like a leap for teams used to the straight-and-narrow of traditional workflows, but it can revolutionize how you deliver solutions that hit the mark for your users.

As teams get into the groove of Dual Track Agile, they typically discover that this lively approach doesn’t just boost their output – it also makes their work more fulfilling.

What are the benefits of Dual Track Agile?

Dual Track Agile brings a host of standout benefits that can dramatically enhance both the journey and the results of software development efforts.

Here’s what the Dual Track Agile methodology brings to the table:

  • Faster time-to-market: One of the biggest perks of Dual Track Agile is how it can speed up delivery. By frequently validating your ideas right from the start in the Discovery track, you can skip unnecessary work on initiatives that won’t hit the mark, and put valuable solutions in the hands of your users without delay.
  • Increased product quality: Thanks to the continuous cycles of testing and feedback woven into every phase, the quality of your end product can get a significant boost. With each update being fine-tuned using real user feedback, you make sure that what you release is not just operational but also precisely designed to tackle real-world problems and meet your users’ needs.
  • Enhanced team collaboration: Dual Track Agile naturally knits teams closer together, breaking down traditional silos across roles. Product Managers, Designers, and Developers share with and learn from one another, creating a synergy that propels the product forward faster and strengthens morale.
  • Adaptability to change: The capability to swiftly adjust to new user needs and shifts in the market is priceless. Dual Track Agile embeds feedback mechanisms and iterative cycles within its framework, empowering you and your teams to pivot and adapt smoothly – key to staying ahead in a competitive landscape.
  • Risk mitigation: Regularly validating ideas from the get-go significantly cuts down the risks associated with development. By catching potential issues early during the Discovery phase, you can make well-informed choices about whether to proceed, change direction, or pause work until you’ve learned more. You can save time and conserve precious resources.

What are the challenges of implementing Dual Track Agile?

Implementing Dual Track Agile can bring incredible benefits, but it’s not without its challenges. Tackling these challenges head-on requires a proactive approach and an unwavering commitment to continuous improvement from everyone involved.

Here’s a look at some hurdles you might face and how you can navigate them:

  • Resource allocation: Effectively juggling resources between the Discovery and Delivery tracks is no mean feat. It takes meticulous planning and a dose of flexibility to make sure both tracks are well-equipped with the right people at the right times. This can be particularly tough in environments where your team size fluctuates or your resources are stretched thin.
  • Cultural shift required: Moving to Dual Track Agile can mean a big change in your team’s culture and mindset. If everyone’s accustomed to more traditional, linear development cycles, the quick pace and iterative nature of Dual Track Agile might take some getting used to. This shift means embracing ongoing change, frequent reassessments, and a level of collaboration that may be jarring for your team.
  • Maintaining consistency and quality: With things moving fast and responsibilities shifting between tracks, it’s crucial to keep a consistent level of quality. Developing stringent testing protocols and enhancing oversight during key transitions can help maintain the high standards needed for your outputs.
  • Communication overhead: You need clear and efficient communication. Without it, you’ll find yourselves bogged down by the very processes meant to speed things up. Setting up clear communication channels and protocols is essential to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Integrating the tracks: Making sure the Discovery and Delivery tracks aren’t just parallel but truly integrated poses its own set of challenges. It’s all about ensuring that insights gained in the Discovery phase are effectively and swiftly translated into actionable tasks in the Delivery phase. Any misalignment here can cause delays and lead to frustration.

What are the key roles and responsibilities in Dual Track Agile?

In Dual Track Agile, you need to understand the right makeup for your team and the specific roles each person will need to play. It’ll help you to smoothly navigate both the Discovery and Delivery tracks and make sure everything clicks into place.

Here’s who you’ll typically find on a Dual Track Agile team:

Product Manager

Sitting at the heart of the action, it’s your job as Product Manager to link user needs and business goals with the development team. You’ll set the product vision and prioritize initiatives, making sure everything lines up with what your users expect and what the market demands.

In the Discovery track, you’ll focus on validating ideas and pinpointing exactly what needs to be built and why. Once in the Delivery track, you’ll need to make sure these plans are communicated clearly and executed flawlessly.

UX/UI Designers

These creative folks are vital to Dual Track process, especially during the Discovery phase. You’ll need them sketching out prototypes and designing interfaces that resonate with user feedback and usability tests.

Their designs will play a key role in shaping and refining your solutions before passing them to developers. In the Delivery phase, they’ll be fine-tuning the UX and UI to ensure the final product both looks good and functions smoothly.


These are the builders of the team, turning the vetted ideas from the Discovery phase into real, working software during the Delivery phase. 

They’ll need to collaborate closely with you and the Designers to make sure the technical side of things lines up with the project vision.

Developers also lend their expertise in the Discovery phase by offering their knowledge about what’s technically feasible and helping to gauge the scope of potential solutions.

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers

QA Engineers also have a foot in both tracks, ensuring everything from MVPs to final products meets the high standards expected.

They’re the ones who run tests, flag up issues, and check that everything is fixed up to spec. Their thoroughness is what keeps your product polished and functioning well across all stages of development.

Agile Coach/Scrum Master

While this role isn’t unique to Dual Track Agile, having an Agile Coach or Scrum Master really helps to keep things moving smoothly. They tackle any obstacles that come up, coach the team on agile best practices, and keep the lines of communication wide open among everyone involved.

For a team working within the Dual Track Agile framework, strong collaboration and communication are non-negotiables. The insights gained from one track can dramatically influence what happens in the other.

When everyone understands and respects their roles, the team not only works more effectively but also finds more satisfaction in their work, leading to better outcomes all around.

Tools and resources for Dual Track Agile

To get the most out of Dual Track Agile, you need to arm your team with tools that enhance communication, streamline processes, and ensure that what you learn from the Discovery track smoothly transitions into the Delivery track.

Let’s dive into some top tools that can help your team excel in implementing Dual Track Agile:

Product Management tools

ProdPad: Tailor-made for Product Management, ProdPad is a fantastic choice for teams practicing Dual Track Agile.

It’s designed to help you map out product roadmaps, manage your ideas, and prioritize features and initiatives more effectively, all based on user feedback and strategic alignment. ProdPad’s intuitive visual interface provides you with the clarity you need to oversee both tracks efficiently.

Task management tools

Jira: When it comes to tracking the development process, Jira stands out as a robust tool that’s adaptable to the needs of Dual Track Agile. It offers detailed ticketing and tracking capabilities, which can help your teams manage their workflow from the initial discovery phase right through to delivery.

Trello: Trello provides a more visual task management experience, which can be beneficial if you’re looking for simplicity and ease of use. It uses boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks and track progress, which can be adapted for the Discovery and Delivery tracks in Dual Track Agile.

If you use ProdPad (and you should 😉) you can integrate either of these tools with a 2-way sync and track the delivery phrase from within your primary Product Management tool. This keeps the tracks synced while allowing separate spaces for both teams – so neither tool is overloaded with work from the other track. 

Collaborative design tools

Figma: Figma is a web-based UI/UX design tool celebrated for its collaborative features. It allows multiple users to edit designs simultaneously, ideal for teams needing real-time collaboration. With robust prototyping capabilities and easy access from any online device, Figma supports quick transitions from concept to prototype, enhancing the agility of product teams.

Sketch: Sketch is a vector-based design tool optimized for UI and UX design, particularly for web and mobile applications. It offers a rich library of plugins and symbols to streamline design processes. Although it lacks real-time collaboration, Sketch integrates well with tools like Zeplin for seamless transitions between design and development, making it effective for crafting detailed, high-fidelity prototypes.

Miro: For a tool that caters to the collaborative and creative demands of the Discovery track, Miro is another top pick. It offers an interactive whiteboard platform where teams can brainstorm, sketch user flows, and map out user stories visually.

Communication tools

Slack: Communication is critical, and Slack provides an easy and immediate way to keep communication lines open. Teams can create channels dedicated to different aspects of the Discovery and Delivery tracks, enabling quick updates and decision-making. Plus, Slack’s ability to integrate with tools like Jira and ProdPad means you can build a unified tool ecosystem that keeps everything connected.

Microsoft Teams: As a communication platform, Microsoft Teams offers chat, video calls, and meeting organization, integrated with Microsoft Office tools. It’s a solid alternative for teams already embedded within the Microsoft ecosystem and needing deep integration with Office documents and workflows.

Analysis tools

Optimizely: For teams that need to refine their solutions based on direct user feedback, Optimizely offers robust A/B testing capabilities. This tool is useful in the Discovery track, helping validate assumptions about user preferences and behaviors. With Optimizely, you can make informed, data-driven decisions about which features to push forward in the development pipeline.

Amplitude: Amplitude is a powerful analytics platform designed to help you track user interactions and measure the impact of product changes. It’s great at providing real-time data visualization and insights into user behavior, helping you make data-driven decisions quickly. Amplitude is particularly for Dual Track Agile, as it lets you validate your hypotheses in the Discovery track and assess the effectiveness of new features in the Delivery track.

Incorporating these tools into your Dual Track Agile process will help you boost your team’s efficiency and effectiveness. Each can play a role in improving planning, execution, and communication – all essential components for navigating the somewhat complex dynamics of Dual Track Agile successfully.

Dual Track Agile can provide you with the structure and flexibility you need to innovate responsibly and sustainably in a market where customer expectations are always evolving. If you’re looking to refine your development practices, Dual Track Agile offers a proven path to enhancing both product quality and team satisfaction.

Adopting Dual Track Agile could be a transformative step when you’re working to improve your responsiveness to user feedback and accelerate your development cycles.

Let us show you how ProdPad can help you run your Dual Track Agile